Friendly traveler in the ATL happy to pose for a picture.

Whether you are okay with the term “new normal” or hate it with a passion, the fact is some aspects of our lives are permanently changed as a result of the pandemic.

Earlier this week, we set out to Florida for some much-needed relaxation and beach time. What we found:

  • Airlines have stepped up their service game, if our experience on Delta is a barometer. Every person made us feel safe and welcomed.
  • Cleanliness is king, from the airport sitting areas to the restrooms to the planes. You can see people cleaning everywhere. The airlines have upgraded their air filtration systems. Antibacterial wipes are plentiful.

Hopefully, those new standards are here to stay. The big surprise, however, were the new and improved ways travelers engaged with each other. Respectfully. Kindly. In the airport, people maintained a reasonable distance. When queueing to board, we saw several “no, you go ahead” gestures, instead of the customary stampede. Travelers patiently waited their turn to scan a boarding pass, traverse the jet bridge, stow bags, and take their seat. The frantic crowding and hustle were noticeably absent.

We had quiet, dare I say serene, flights. People napped, read, listened to music. No incessant trips to the lavatory. No loud conversations.

When we look back at this pandemic time, I hope common courtesy has endured as a permanent artifact of the new normal. We all deserve to be treated better.